2020 How much does spray foam insulation cost? New Jersey, NJ
Spray foam insulation cost? New Jersey, NJ

cost of spray foam insulation in New Jersey, NJ?

Cost of Spray Foam Insulation Spray foam is available in two types:
To calculate the price of your job, take the cost of the type of Spray Foam you choose:
Open-cell Spray Foam cost is generally 0,35 to 0,55 cents per board foot
Closed-cell Spray Foam cost is generally $ 0.90 - $1.00 per board foot
For example,
2,500 sq ft, At 2" thick of closed cell = $4,750. to $6,000
2,500 sq ft, At 4" thick of open cell = $4,000. to $6,500
Minimum Service Charge Per Job is $2.100 To $2.500. Depending on Your Job and Situation.
Open-cell Spray Foam cost is generally 0,35 to 0,55 cents per board foot
Closed-cell Spray Foam cost is generally $ 0.90 - $1.00 per board foot
For example,
2,500 sq ft, At 2" thick of closed cell = $4,750. to $6,000
2,500 sq ft, At 4" thick of open cell = $4,000. to $6,500
Minimum Service Charge Per Job is $2.100 To $2.500. Depending on Your Job and Situation.
The average total cost to have Spray Foam professionally installed is about $2,400. | |
Open-Cell Spray Foam | Closed-cell Spray Foam |
$ 0,35 to $0,55 cents per board foot | $ 0.90 to $1.00 per board foot |
Average Cost: $2,400 | High: $3,500 |
Typical Range: $1,500 and $3,500 | Low: $1,500 |