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Why is my house always cold and what can I do to fix it?

Why is my house always cold and what can I do to fix it?

Winter is fast closing in and it’s that time again when you may be wondering ‘why is my house so cold?’. There are a number of reasons why your house could be susceptible to cold and you will be happy to know they are generally issues that can be easily solved.

Cold air can seep in through gaps in your windows, doors, floorboards or attics. Even if you put your heaters on and your home doesn’t have adequate protection the warm air can escape as quickly as the cold air enters.

So why is your house so cold? This article aims to cover the most common reasons why and solutions so you can enjoy a warm home this winter.

4 Reasons Your House Is Cold & How to Keep Warm


Problem: Windows are a perfect place for warm air to escape and cold air to enter. Households can have anywhere from 4 to 20+ windows and if each one of these is leaking warm air, it can make your home extremely cold. Advances in technology have made it easier to combat the issue but you may still have trouble when looking to upgrade older buildings such as ones that are listed.

Solution: You can invest in A rated products a such as triple glazed windows which along with keeping your home warm, allows you to save energy from reduced use of heating appliances. As well as this they offer a more secure home preventing intruders from being able to easily smash glass and enter your property.


Problem: Those who use wooden doors rather than PVC can fall victim to cold draughts infiltrating through the gaps that are created from poorly fitted or aged doors. If your wondering why your house is so cold and you have wooden doors this may be the answer or at least a contributing factor.

Solution: This can be solved by installing draught proof doors such as the ones made with PVC. These types of doors allow you to create an air seal which will stop cold air infiltrating through small cracks that appear. If your looking for a cheaper option too draught proof your wooden door from the cold you can consider a draught excluder  or escutcheon plate which covers the keyhole and prevents cold air getting in your home.


Attic Insulation

Problem: This is one of the leading causes for cold homes. An uninsulated or poorly insulated roof can account for almost 90% of heat loss through a home. It’s similar to the difference of wearing a warm woolly hat on a winters day or having a completely shaven head. Home-owners whose properties pre date 1995 are likely to have either old or deteriorated insulation so it is wise to look into alternative solutions.

Solution: Spray Foam Insulation NYC. offers home-owners a complete air seal in their property, eliminating any warm air escaping and any cold air infiltrating. If you are looking for a solution to the issue of why you house is so cold.
Spray Foam insulation contractor Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan, New York

Insulating Crawl Space

Homeowners whose homes are built over crawlspaces may wonder about this. Or they may simply turn up the thermostat and resign themselves to higher utility bills. Regardless, it’s not really a mystery if you understand why a crawlspace insulated with fiberglass is a really batty idea.

Crawl spaces should be treated as if they were miniature basements, which is exactly what they are. The best current practice is to make a crawl space a conditioned area like the rest of the house. This is permitted by newer versions of most building codes, and is much better for the house and residents.

Call us now and schedule your free spray foam insulation quote