tr?id=2260301937386395&ev=PageView&noscript=1 Spray Foam Insulation Blog | News |Architects | Contractors | Homeowners
  • 718 594 1976
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Spray foam insulation "NYC" is installed by fully trained, licensed insulation contractors who spray the solution into open building envelope such as studded walls, ceilings and floors. The solution can be safely sprayed directly onto electrical and plumbing.

Inefficient insulation leaks money right out of your home

Tap on a hotspot to learn how spray foam benefits your new home


Did you know that up to 40% of your home’s total energy loss may be due to air loss via the floors, walls and roof? This can be due, in part, to inefficient insulation, something which can also play a role in higher monthly heating and cooling bills.

To help minimize the risk of air loss and reduce high heating or cooling bills, your home needs an insulation and air barrier that can easily adapt to any design or feature and maintain its integrity over the long term. Icynene spray foam insulation is ideal to help minimize air loss, as well as the higher heating and cooling bills that can go along with it.

Think about replacing the inefficient insulation in your home with Icynene spray foam insulation and air barrier to help reduce air loss and lower your monthly heating and cooling bills.

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How much does spray foam insulation cost? New York , New Jersey

This is one of most typical questions, architects and builders will be asked by their clients, when they’ve been recommended the modern insulation solution.
The answer can be as varied as the cost of the spray foam insulation, has a number of variables that influence the final price.

Spray Foam Insulation cost is typically calculated by the board foot, which is measured like this: 20 foot wide times 20 foot long times 1" thick.
To calculate the board footage of the space you want to spray, multiply the area you want to insulate by the depth in inches. The formulas looks like this:
Square feet, times depth in inches = board feet. To calculate the price of your job, take the cost of the type of Spray Foam you choose:

Closed-cell Spray Foam is generally $ 0.95 to $1.20 per board foot.
Open-cell Spray Foam is generally $0.40 to $0.65 per board foot.

For example,

2,500 sq ft, At 2" thick of closed cell = $4,750. to $6,000
2,500 sq ft, At 4" thick of open cell = $4,000. to $6,500

Minimum Service Charge Per Job is $2,100 To $2,500. Depending on Your Job and Situation.

Call us now and schedule your free Spray Foam insulation quote at 718-594-1976 or Email Us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Insulation Contractor. Brooklyn, NY. Staten Island, NY. Queens, NY. Manhattan, NY. Bronx, NY. surrounding areas of New York - New Jersey


Fiberglass insulation is significantly cheaper than spray foam insulation, but it is also less effective, especially in extremely cold conditions. Used in roughly 85% of American homes, fiberglass insulation is the most common form of home insulation. Spray foam insulation has less market share but is increasing in popularity. Professional installation is required for Spray Foam insulation, but fiberglass insulation can often be installed by homeowners themselves.

Imagine a draft free energy-efficient home. Spray Foam expands up to 100 times its original size to fill every corner of a building’s envelope for thermal insulation and air sealing. With traditional insulation, spaces and gaps in homes that aren’t filled can leak enough air everyday to fill two air blimps!

icynene-sprayfoam-new-york Spray Foam Insulation Blog | News |Architects | Contractors | Homeowners

The composition of fiberglass insulation does not stop air from passing through it. On average, more than 30% of heat or air conditioning escapes where fiberglass insulation is installed. If poorly installed, fiberglass can also leave spaces around fixtures, allowing even more heating or cooling to escape.

Spray Foam insulation fills all spaces, preventing air from escaping. It acts as an air barrier. Like cellulose insulation, Spray Foam insulation is significantly more efficient than fiberglass and has a higher R-value.



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Spray Foam Insulation - The Intelligent Choice - Higher R-value

Spray Foam insulation is the most energy efficient product you can install in your home, allowing you to lower your heating & cooling energy usage by 50-60%, compared to traditional insulation products, for the life of your home!

EnergyPro Insulation a New York Spray Foam Insulation Contractor - Residential and Commercial - Staten Island NY, Brooklyn NY, Queens NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY,  NYC. New Jersey.












