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Spray foam insulation "NYC" is installed by fully trained, licensed insulation contractors who spray the solution into open building envelope such as studded walls, ceilings and floors. The solution can be safely sprayed directly onto electrical and plumbing.



R401.1 Scope. This chapter applies to residential buildings.R401.2 Compliance.Projects shall comply with one of the following:

  1. Sections R401 through R404.
  2. Section R405 and the provisions of Sections R401 through R404 labeled “Mandatory.”
  3. An energy rating index (ERI) approach in Section R406.

R401.3 Certificate (Mandatory). A permanent certificate shall be completed by the builder or registered design professional and posted on a wall in the space where the furnace is located, a utility room or an approved location inside the building. Where located on an electrical panel, the certificate shall not cover or obstruct the visibility of the circuit directory label, service disconnect label or other required labels.


Today, the City Council unanimously voted to adopt a new New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC) that will drive greater efficiencies in NYC buildings in the years ahead. The update represents a big step forward for the city’s 2050 carbon reduction goals, with projected energy savings compared to the current code clocking in at nearly 9% for commercial buildings and up to an impressive 32% for residential buildings

Energy-Saving Tips - Residents and Homeowners

Energy-Saving-Tips-730x361 Spray Foam Insulation Blog | News |Architects | Contractors | Homeowners

Air Conditioner

  • To prevent energy loss as winter approaches, remove your window-unit air conditioner or insulate it from the outside with a tight-fitting cover, available at local home improvement or hardware stores.
  • Each degree above 75°F that you set your air conditioner’s thermostat saves you 3% of the energy used to cool your home.

Attic Vents

Disposal of Used Spray Polyurethane Foam Drums

By Neeva-Gayle Candelori, Director, Center for the Polyurethanes Industry

Disposal of Used Spray Polyurethane Foam Drums


For spray polyurethane foam (SPF) contractors, the job isn’t done until the drum is properly disposed. Sure, contractors know that disposal of drums must always proceed in accordance with the foam manufacturer’s instructions, but do they know that since empty drums are potentially hazardous, it’s crucial that they be handled properly by appropriately trained personnel?

Understanding SPF Components

The SPF components are made up of an “A” side — polymeric methylene diphenyl isocyanate, pMDI, or MDI-based diisocyanate — and a “B” side — polyol resin, polyol-based system with smaller amounts of catalyst(s), a blowing agent, flame retardant(s), and a surfactant. These components are typically purchased and shipped as a set or system of two drums, one for the “A” side and one for the “B” side. The drums may be colorcoded red or black for the “A” side, and blue or another color for the “B” side. Each drum contains shipping papers, indicating the required shipping information for that chemical, and any relevant hazard communication labels.
